"Brand identity"

Branding starts with your story. Tell it right.

Your brand is the first thing potential customers will know about you. And an identifiable, successful brand is something customers will remember long after a conference or ad impression. The consistency of good branding simplifies future planning, streamlines creative work and informs everything from corporate social responsibility initiatives to culture, but it also offers tremendous benefits to the bottom line. 

Brand awareness and the associated benefits are ultimately built on brand experiences. In the quick moving world of marketing and advertising, brand work of any kind is a long-term play that is easy to overlook in favour of faster ROI, but the opportunity cost of not taking the time to build a thoughtful brand communications plan is considerable. Without integrated marketing communications planning, brands lose the opportunity for meaningful and consistent engagement with their target audiences, and ultimately, the chance to make a lasting impression.

No two brands are alike and no two situations should have precisely the same solution. To that end, we approach every branding challenge from a single guiding question: What problem are we solving? Brand work isn’t just one thing. It takes many forms and answers many challenges, both expected — inconsistent visual identity — and unexpected — poorly defined product or service.

It’s What People Say About You When You’re Not in the Room

The right brand message, a well-chosen look and the right medium in which to share them can be the difference between controlling the conversation around your brand and letting others do that for you. While love at first sight is still up for debate, it’s important to note that awareness at first sight is unlikely. In fact, it takes 5-7 brand impressions before someone will remember your brand.

Fortunately, we also know that there is a science to what makes branding stick with potential customers. 40% of a brand’s image can be attributed to what it says and how it says it. Similarly, color increases brand recognition by up to 80%. Finding the correct combination of messaging and visuals to bring your marketing communication and brand strategy to to life is a critical exercise that creates internal alignment and lays the groundwork for external recognition.

With these tools in place, every part of your marketing team — from the creative team and the social media team to a digital agency — can work from a single source of truth and create integrated communications with efficiency and consistency. 

We create all of the following resources in support of strategic brand communication efforts:

Brand guidelines

Brand story

Visual identity, including: colors, fonts, graphics and photography

Logo development

Voice and tone

Transform and digitize your brand. Talk to our expert team

Transform and digitize your brand.